Effective Online Marketing: For Virtual Assistants

Are you a virtual assistant, looking to fill your practice and get more clients online? Online marketing is a perfect tool for virtual assistants (or VAs) who want to get more clients and make more money online.

As an online business coach, I have worked with many virtual assistants. Some virtual assistants are general virtual assistants, and perform many different tasks for their clients. On the other side of the spectrum there are virtual assistant who are very tightly niched. These virtual assistants sometimes perform only very specialized tasks, such as bookkeeping, internet marketing, public relations. Other virtual assistants have created niches based on who they will take on as clients. Virtual assistants' niches can be coaches, consultants, solopreneurs, accountants, real estate agents and more.

Read the articles below to learn how virtual assistants leverage online marketing to get more clients online:

Virtual Assistants - Create A New Income Stream In 15 Minutes, make more money and work less with multiple income streams.

  Learn how to get more clients and make more money online. Get Biana Babinsky's Top 5 Strategies To Get More Clients For Your Business Special Report absolutely FREE.